Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Long time no hear...

Hello, fellow Siestas! I'm so, so sorry for my crazy-long absence from the blog. While I haven't been posting for quite some time, I assure you I've been enjoying keeping up with you girls on your blogs and facebook. I am so excited to see you all in Atlanta in a few weeks! Hugs from St. Louis!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

My New Church Family

I'm so thrilled to share this news...
On December 28, 2008, I was baptised at the First Baptist Church of Woodstock in Woodstock, GA. :) It was such an awesome moment in my life and I know I'll never forget a second of it. I'm still amazed at the overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude I felt as the water rushed over my face. I really can't put it into words, so I'll stop trying. :)
So, moving forward -- My daughter, Kylie, and I joined First Baptist Church of St. Charles. It's right next to my brother and sister-in-law's house. A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law told me her parents (who live nearby) began going to my church (different service than we go to, though). Well, recently, her parents were baptised and became members of the church. (Yay!) So I told my sister-in-law (who doubles as my best friend) she should think about going with her parents or with Kylie and me. She kicked around the idea and then proceeded to whine about the weekend, about sleeping in, about dragging her sons (3 yrs. and 4 mos.) up there on her "day off"... yada yada yada... we've all heard it...
Well, I wasn't giving up.
Now the good part: She's been attending EVERY week and last week she went forward and asked to be baptised and to become a member of the church! (Double yay!!!)
Soon we'll have the whole family there at this rate!
...Now if I could just get my husband to go...

Kaeden Patrick Greenlee

This is the son of a dear friend of mine. His name is Kaeden Greenlee and he was born with many physical difficulties. This boy has been through more in his first 6 months of life than most of us will see in a lifetime. Please keep Kaeden and his parents, Julie and Jeremy, in your prayers. He still faces many more surgeries and is constantly battling for his life.
Thanks to each and every one of you who lift this family in prayer.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gone Baby Gone... but that's okay.

Hello, all. Remember me? Ya know, a few major things happen in my life and it's like I forgot how to blog. Forgive me. :)
Well, I'm sad to report that the whole pregnancy thing did not pan out. Child #5 has joined his/her siblings in heaven where (I'm told) we will someday meet. Dave and I went to the doctor for our weekly ultrasound on December 2nd and the heartbeat we had seen only 7 days prior was no longer there. The doctor did an outpatient surgery to remove the baby (or "cells" as they like to call it). It was a very sad and frustrating time, but I rest easy knowing, I repeat - KNOWING - that everything happens for a reason and our family of three feels more perfect than ever.
I wasn't able to say that before. I used to feel like there was a void I thought could only be filled by another child. And I was angry about my miscarriages. I hated the phrase "everything happens for a reason". Bologna. What possible reason could there be for three of my children dying before we even had a chance to meet them? Well, I'm so glad to say that those days of anger and frustration are behind me; replaced with a calm sense of acceptance and faith. I truly believe that God has a wonderful plan for me and my family. Understanding it is not nearly as important as enjoying it, so that's where my focus lies - on enjoying the life He has given me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh Baby!

Hi, ladies! I know it's been awhile since you've heard from me, but a LOT has been going on around here. Most importantly, I received some blessed news on Monday morning... I'm pregnant! I cry as I type those words because it has been years that my husband and I have tried for a second child. I have a very strange medical anomoly known as a unicornuate uterus, which means I have half a uterus with only one fallopian tube. This has been the reason for my three miscarriages, one of which was ectopic, and also for the difficulty in conceiving. So, needless to say, we are very apprehensive, but SO excited. Of my now FIVE pregnancies, Kylie (our 5-year-old daughter) and this one are the only ones to show as positive on an at-home pregnancy test, so we are extra hopeful with this one. I'm currently awaiting a phone call from my doctor's office to tell me of the results of my blood tests from yesterday. This will tell us of the viability of this pregnancy. Please, please, please keep us in your prayers!
More good news: On October 27th, my 3rd nephew, Connor, was born! He is son #2 to my younger brother and his wife, my best friend, Angela. I couldn't be happier for them. Baby is well, but Mommy is feeling a little rough. She is battling high blood pressure, infected ducts in her breasts among many other post-pardum irritations. So any and all prayers for them would also be appreciated.
P.s. This is the family who I am trying to get to go to church with Kylie and me. Angela says she feels the need to bring her boys up in church, but simply does not want to commit to going. She is a believer, but has no relationship with God. I will continue to pray for Jesus to guide her heart toward Him and to do right by her children in bringing them up with Jesus in their heart and His word on their mind.
P.s.s. The same prayer is still needed for my husband, Dave!

Thanks, girls! ;)

Love you all,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Last weekend, Dave and I went to see the movie, Fireproof. We are at a vulnerable point in our marriage - let's just say we're open to suggestions - and I was hoping an answer or two might reveal itself during the course of the movie. Well, did it ever! The Love Dare alone was worth the cost of admission.
Cheryl Baugh has added this challenge to her page and I am following along. (check it out:
Now, I did stumble a bit at the start (it took me 3 days to complete Day 1. I laugh while I type this - Day 1 is "Don't say anything negative to your partner for the whole day." You wouldn't think this would be that hard, but you might be wrong - I was. I made it until 5:30 pm on the first attempt and then Wham! it just fell out of my mouth. I thought, darn it! I'll have to try again tomorrow... Attempt #2 failed before I left for work in the morning :( So on day 3, I successfully went an entire day without saying a single negative thing to my husband. I don't think he noticed it, but we had a very pleasant day and we've had several days like that since. I love the awareness this has brought. I had no idea the number of times in any given day I have a negative word on the tip of my tongue!
Now, I'm not a shrew or a bully, but like many people I have gotten caught up in the stress of everyday life and my husband seems to have an invisible bullseye on him where all my aggression and irritation like to target.
I want to encourage anyone who hasn't already, to go see this movie and do the Love Dare! It is such a great way to revitalize a relationship and I'm so glad God has brought this wonderful tool into my marriage.
Much love,
Mrs. Mills :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Down in My Heart

Recently, my husband and I are driving through the streets of St. Charles with our unusually quiet, 5-year-old daughter in the back seat. Just as we began to wonder "Why has she gone this long without talking?", a little voice from behind us says, "Guess what, guys. I know where God is." I say, "Oh, yeah? Where?" She replies, "Well, he's in two places – he's up there (as she points to the blue sky) AND he's in my heart." she says with a huge, proud smile. I choke up and say, "That's right, baby. He is! And how do you know that?" She tells me, "Because Maw Maw told me. Maw Maw sings that song Down in My Heart because that's where God is. He's in everybody's heart!”
So thank you, Maw Maw. Thank you for bringing Him into her mind and heart through that lovely song.